Developing a National HTS Demand Creation Strategy
To increase the demand for HIV Testing Services, there is a need to identify more innovative ways to reach people and to increase the number of people who test and receive care and treatment services, including those who may not see themselves as at-risk for HIV.
Under incredibly tight timelines, the LiveMoya team developed a HIV/TB Demand Creation Strategy for the national Cheka Impilo campaign. To ensure the strategy was a living document to be used by civil society organisations, partners, government and the private sector, we developed the PRIMER Manual that provided practical tools to interpret the strategy for effective local implementation.
The key value innovation was the development of archetypes which will be used to guide demand creation for specific target audiences, within the overarching campaign.
World Bank:
TB in the mining communities
Miners and ex-miners are in a high-risk category for TB. Due to the migratory nature of mining in Southern Africa, TB is often carried home by miners. Informing mining and their communities about TB is necessary, as is convincing individuals to screen, access treatment and critically, to stay on treatment, despite treatment side effects and treatment fatigue.
Project sought to mobilise miners, ex-miners and mining communities in Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland with a requirement to cover multiple target audiences from different contexts and cultures.
HIV SELF TESTING AFRICA INITIATIVE: Digital campaign to distribute HIV Self-screening kits to key audiences
HSS kits are available free of charge but there was minimal draw down by the key and vulnerable populations. The existing website was not being accessed. A digital strategy to attract each population group was required.
Project required attracting the interest of distinct key and vulnerable populations (MSM, TG, AGYW and Older men) and distributing HSS kits online.
When South Africa went into hard lockdown due to COVID-19, a pilot campaign that was running needed to be rapidly scaled up to attract the interest of additional population groups. We immediately realized that within the broader campaign, we would need to tailor creative and messaging for each specific target audience’s specific needs.
Society for Family Health: New Start: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision –
I Choose
Self-screening is becoming increasing popular as a safe, easy and confidential way to ‘know your HIV status’. While this is evident of how far the HIV world has come with communications and over-coming stigma, there is still much work to be done.
To understand where resources need to be allocated, we need to know more about how people are using the screening test, when they decide to use it and what the outcomes are. LiveMoya was tasked with increasing people’s willingness to share their outcomes in an easy and confidential manner so that SFH had a data-rich repository to inform decision making.
Society for Family Health: New Start: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision –
I Choose
Getting men to commit to VMMC is a challenge that requires honestly, time, consistency, and delicate, insightful communications. Project sought to create demand among men aged 18 to 45 years to circumcise (VMMC) in selected districts across SA and meet site specific targets
LiveMoya has worked on several VMMC SBCC interventions, conducting research, developing strategy and creative, and implementing through field teams in districts across the nation.
This campaign is a good example of how things need to evolve to reflect the changing needs of communities and public health funding priorities. The I Choose campaign first started back in 2016 with campaign conceptualization leading into field work (social mobilization, media, IEC etc.). Since then the campaign has been creatively refreshed and technically adapted to the new local realities and the way VMMC Programmes need to be delivered (for example changing age of target audience, latest medical knowledge etc.)
LiveMoya has also developed a guide to the “ideal” social mobiliser specific to VMMC. i.e., what qualities are required to be most successful in mobilizing for VMMC?